Entrepreneurship: Google Analytics

I’ve heard a lot about Google analytics for awhile now, mainly because that is what my Mom does.  She does Analytics at a digital ad company called R/GA and she is an Adjunct lecturer for Web Analytics at Baruch College.  Google Analytics kind of ties in to the blog post we did about online privacy.  After looking at all this data that has been collected, it really tells me a lot about people.  But this data is very useful in my opinion.  It is especially useful for marketing.  With Google Analytics, you can see who your audience is.

More specifically, Google Analytics is a service offered by Google that generates detailed stats about different websites and their traffic.  The code is placed in the <head> section of HTML pages.  Google Analytics tracks where a user came from, whether it be a direct link or another site.  It also allows users to track information such as pay-per-click, advertisements, and digital collateral.

To me, someone without much experience with Google Analytics, it seems like a tool that is some what powerful but not so crazy as to change marketing plans.  But that is where I am very, very wrong.  After talking to my Mom about it, its seems that people who have done this badge, myself included, have barely scratched the surface.  There is so much information to be gained from learning how to analyze these analytics, which is probably why Analytics Analysts are so in demand right now.

Google Analytics is used in 57% of the top 10,000 websites which makes it the most widely used web statistics server.  In May 2011, Google Analytics was banned from EU websites without permission of the user.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool and deserves to be run in any webpage that goes live.


Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 3.40.59 AM Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 3.39.59 AM Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 3.39.18 AM

Programming: jQuery Basics

First off, jQuery is fucking awesome.  Sorry for the profanities, but I love jQuery.  This was by far my favorite badge to do.  If you didn’t do it and you’re interested in web develop, I suggest learning jQuery.

The hardest part about this badge was watching the videos.  All I wanted to do was play with jQuery.  It makes everything so much easier.  For example, to do a form check you have to write some stupid for loop and write all this unnecessary code if you’re not using jQuery.  But with jQuery you can do a form check with like 3 lines of code!

jQuery is used by over 55% of browsers, and with good reason.  Programmers always say “less is more” meaning that less code equals better code.  With the jQuery library you have the opportunity to cut down on so much unnecessary code.  It’s easy to understand and read and makes everything so much more fun to code.  It is the most popular Javascript library and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

jQuery’s syntax is to make it easier to navigate the document, select Document Object Model (DOM) elements, create elements, handle events, and create Ajax applications, which are client-side web apps.

This website uses jQuery for some simple things, and I played with the UI stuff a bit in another file, but it isn’t very presentable.  jQuery definitely renewed my interest in JavaScript and I definitely plan furthering my knowledge in the matter this summer.  Last summer my big project was learning how to code for iOs with Objective-C.  This summer  jQuery and Ruby on Rails are to be my two big personal projects.  I definitely look forward to getting to use jQuery more and more.

Entrepreneurship: That’s It! Business Idea

Myself and William Paulus, a junior business major, submitted an idea for the That’s It! contest.  Our idea was named ‘Zipper’ and it had to do with online shopping.  Unfortunately, we did not think our idea out well enough and it did not make it to the final panel of judges.  I had written up an empty shell design with HTML and CSS in case we did present to show the judges if we did make it, but unfortunately we did not.  While I have other ideas that I think were probably better, I did not wish to share them with a bunch of greedy venture capitalists, since I know I can do most of the coding on my own without their money.

Here is a description of our idea that we submitted:

What do lots of people do on their computers but not on their phones or tablets?  Online shopping.  While it is growing rapidly, it still isn’t the majority. Last year, 33.9% of consumers purchased from their mobile phones, a huge leap from 2011 which was 19.3% (blog.crazyegg.com, January 2013).  The idea is to create a website and an app which allows consumers to look at multiple brands, including new ones, based on their shopping and fashion interests.   The website would be easily navigable, using just an arrow keys to scroll between new clothing and pages.  Users would have their setting saved using a login, so they don’t need to set them every time.  It would be similar to StumbleUpon, except this would allow the user to have a shopping cart and save items on one server.  An example of how the item searching works: if someone has an interest in clothing from J Crew, then when browsing, it would give other brands that are similar to J Crew that maybe the user has not heard of.  This would be helpful for start up companies that hope to appeal to a certain audience.


The idea is for this to start out as a website, and then evolve to a mobile app that will work harmoniously with the website.  74% of users made a purchase as a result of doing research with their smartphone (http://www.google.com/think/research-studies/the-mobile-movement-video.html, April 2011) but only 41% of users who did research with their smartphones went on to purchase items on their smartphone (http://www.google.com/think/research-studies/post-holiday-learnings-for-2012.html, January 2012).  What this shows is that users are doing the research for their shopping on their smartphones using apps and web services, but are doing the majority of purchasing on their computers.  A mobile app will help users do research for the products they are interested in, allowing them to save the products to an account, then later go on a computer and follow through with their purchases on a computer.

In the long term, the hope is to not only have apparel to search through, but also other products including electronics, music, games, and more.  As the popularity of the site grows, as will the functionality of the site.

I thought this idea might have been a top 6, but I really just didn’t put enough time into it.  I also thought that this idea was suppose to be based for computer web browsers and not mobile or tablet.  Internet technology includes those latter two though.  The idea behind making something for shopping is that shopping is the one thing that most people do not do on their mobile devices and tablets.  It is something that is done mainly on the computer.  Our whole idea was based around that and then later adapting the web app to mobile and tablet.

I learned a lot about doing research for ideas, and in the end I thought that would our idea reach the final 6.  Google Insights is an extremely useful tool for doing research on what is trending currently, and I recommend it for anyone trying to learn about what technologies are popular currently.

Graphic Design: 3D Printing

I’ve learned a few things about 3D printing from this experience.

  1. Holy cow, tinkercad editor is terrible.
  2. 3D printing on Trinity’s 3D printer takes FOREVER.  After about 2 hours, it was about 4% done
  3. 3D printing is awesome
  4. Tinkercad is awful.  (in case you didn’t get it the first time)

After doing some reading on 3D printing, I didn’t think it would be that tough to make something in the editor and print it out in a timely fashion.  I was very, very wrong.  There isn’t any “clicking” per se in the Tinkercad software, so it makes it really hard to align things.  It all has to be done with this ruler they have.  Which is really hard to use.  Trying to undo things is impossible too.  If you hit undo, it doesn’t undo it.  So what you end up doing is you delete the object and remake it.  But then after you make a bunch of OTHER changes, it decides to undo the change you wanted to do along with all the other changes you’ve made in the last 10 minutes.  Really frustrating.  I probably spent 4 hours alone redoing the same thing over and over again because of said problem.   Overall, Tinkercad is like the microsoft paint of 3D editors.  But it’s what I had to work with, so I made due.

After working through all the tutorials, I decided I wanted to try to make one of the castles from either Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire.  But getting about 5% of the way through in a couple of hours, I decided it probably wasn’t the best idea.  So I went on to architecture.  This was a good idea.  Ultimately I decided to make a replica of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The Brooklyn Bridge is a magnificent piece of architecture, generally acclaimed as one of the most beautiful bridges in the world. Trying to replicate it would not be easy.  In fact, damned near impossible to do with Tinkercad.  I was able to do it.  The hardest part was getting everything to align correctly.  The suspensions were tough to do, and as of right now I don’t know how they will turn out because I haven’t picked it up yet as it hadn’t finished when I last checked.  Because of the size of the printer, I have to do some size constraints.

For advice on 3D editing and printing, here is my advice.  Don’t use tinkercad.  And don’t get a personal 3D printer.  At least not right now.  From my research, it seems like the cheaper ones are very slow and take forever to use.

Currently, there is actually a big debate about 3D printing and gun control.  Everyone’s all up in arms about it.  About a week ago, the world’s first successful 3D printed gun was fired, which fired a .380 caliber bullet.  The Pirate Bay already has thrown up schematics to print 3D as many websites have started to tear them down.  3D printing is definitely bound to become a larger issue in the coming months.

Below are some screen shots from Tinkercad.  I will show the actual model off tomorrow in class.

Arial View of the bridge

Arial View of the bridge

Side view of the bridge

Side view of the bridge

User Experience: Usability Heuristics

Based on my research for Web Usability, I have come up with the following checklist based on 5 categories.


  1. Font is easy to read (Font size/spacing)
  2. Add-ons kept at a minimum
  3. Images have appropriate ALT tags
  4. Site does not have a long load time
  5. Custom 404 error for broken links
  6. Site has well definied meta description


  1. Styles are the same throughout, colors go together (Design)
  2. Ads do not take up much space
  3. Page Titles have good descriptions
  4. URLs are easy to read and understand
  5. Major headings are clear and descriptive
  6. Easy to find important links such as contact info and company description


  1. Site logo sticks out
  2. Page’s purpose is clear within 5 seconds
  3. Tagline makes company’s purpose clear


  1. Main navigation is easy to find
  2. Site logo links to home page
  3. Minimal number of buttons and links to navigate
  4. Don’t have to click many links to get to a place
  5. Links are easy to ID
  6. Internal search easy to find and use

Tablet & Mobile

  1. Website has appropriate tablet and mobile versions
  2. Easy to click buttons with fingers
  3. Easy to scroll
  4. Don’t have to zoom in and out to view content
  5. Able to access most of the same content you can in desktop browser

For my three sites, I chose to use coffee of coffee companies.  The three I chose were Seattle’s Best Coffee, Starbuck’s, and Java City.  The three had very few similarities, except the fact that they were all Coffee websites.

For accessibility, Starkbuck’s was clearly the best.  There were no ad-ons are required to what I already had, and font was easy to read.  It also had a great meta description.  It was a few sentences long, completely describing what the company was about.  Starbuck’s meta description was

“Since 1971, Starbucks Coffee Company has been committed to ethically sourcing and roasting the highest quality arabica coffee in the world. Today, with stores around the globe, the company is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world.”

while Java City had this

“arabica bean coffee, kona blend coffee, skymiles, coffee bean organic, gourmet coffee bean, coffee roasters, livestrong, java city coffee, best coffee bean, gourmet coffee, chocolate coffee”

and Seattle’s Best Coffee just had “Seattle’s Best Coffee.”  It’s a toss up what’s worse between SBC and JC.  JC’s description is exactly what they have for their meta keywords.  SBC’s has no description.  Just the name of the company.  Starbuck’s also had a great customized 404 error page.  Easy to read, pretty, and easy to get back to the page.  Seattle’s Best Coffee has the CSS go away.  There is no 404 error, it just brings you back to the home page and removes the CSS.  Java City’s is customized but has no stylizing what so ever.  It just says 404 – Page Not Found! and has a link back to Java City home page.  For accessibility, Starbucks wins by a mile.

All three have pretty solid navigation.  Java City’s links are a bit small and makes them hard to read, and the link titles are not very descriptive.  But it is easy to get around the site.  The search was also pretty good though.  One of the few good things that can be taken away from the site.  The main issue with Starbuck’s navigation is that there were so many damned links in the drop down menus.  The search also wasn’t very easy to find.  Besides that, solid navigation.  Seattle’s best coffee was strange.  It dropped down all the menus are once and then highlighted which one you mouse over.  Search was also non existent from what I could see.  Yet again, I think Starbucks takes the gold for navigation.

Starbucks’s content and identity were also top class.  The pages were similar designed, and the words were easy to read.  The logo was prominent too, not too big, but just right.  Seattle’s best was not top class.  They have these ugly bright colors that made the site seem like cotton candy.  And unless you’re trying to appeal to children, which I don’t think a coffee website is trying to do, than it isn’t an ideal color scheme.  I have nothing to say about the Java City page.  It’s ugly and terrible.  The more I look into it, the less I want to look at it.  If it wasn’t the only easily accessible coffee at Trinity University than I probably wouldn’t drink it at all.  The website makes me want to drink it less.  Looks like something designed 10 years.

The only site with a mobile or tablet version was Starbucks.  And let me tell you, if you’ve never been to that website, I would suggest checking it now.  It is an amazing example of responsive design.  Everything about it’s mobile and tablet versions are exactly what they should be.  It even has a display for an iPad mini!  Pictures scale no matter what the display size is, and menus change as well.  It’s perfect from a responsive point of view.

Overall, the Starbucks wipes the floor with the other two websites.  In almost every part of my checklist it is superior to the other two websites.  That probably has something to do with the funds it has, but that’s just a gander.


1) Clum, L. (n.d.). Good Web Design Is All About The User | Tips. Web Design Blog, Tutorials and Inspiration | Web Design Ledger. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://webdesignledger.com/tips/good-web-design-is-all-about-the-user

2) Gube, J. (n.d.). 7 Best Practices for Improving Your Website’s Usability.Mashable. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://mashable.com/2011/09/12/website-usability-tips/

3) Loureiro, N. (n.d.). Dieter Rams’ 10 principles of good web design | Feature | .net magazine. .net magazine | The world’s best-selling magazine for web designers and developers since 1994. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://www.netmagazine.com/features/dieter-rams-10-principles-good-web-design

4) Nielson, J. (n.d.). Web Usability: Articles, Training & Reports | Nielsen Norman Group. Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://www.nngroup.com/topic/web-usability/

5) Nielson, J. (n.d.). Usability 101: Introduction to Usability. Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://www.nngroup.com/articles/usability-101-introduction-to-usability/

6) Stark, J. (n.d.). The 10 principles of mobile interface design | Feature | .net magazine. .net magazine | The world’s best-selling magazine for web designers and developers since 1994. Retrieved May 14, 2013, from http://www.netmagazine.com/features/10-principles-mobile-interface-design

Programming: Responsive Design

Responsive design is all the hype right now.  After talking with Dr. Delwiche, I decided to attempt to make a mobile application using HTML.  Unfortunately time restraints made it harder to get a lot more functionality down, but the general principle is on my website.  The website also uses jQuery, Google Analytics, and Google geolocations.

For my Responsive Design, I made an registration form with a fully functional logic and saving of saving.  All data is saved to one user ID.  It’s actually a pretty impressive function that turns localStorage into a dictionary / hash.  Basically, there are keys for all the user’s that store all of their information to the user.  So if you just have the user ID, you can get their address, username, password, and email.

Responsive Design uses media queries to adjust the design based on the screen size.  There are two ways to do this, you can do it in the HTML with multiple CSS files or you can use a single CSS file and do it in the CSS file.  Originally I used a single file, but after doing some reading I found out that using multiple files might be better.  I found it easier to change things with using multiple CSS files because I could just go to that file and find what needed fixing rather than searching through one huge document.  It also decreases load time but not having to load up multiple CSS files, which can probably get pretty lengthy in larger projects.

My site responds to the following widths:

  1. 801px and above (for desktop browsers)
  2. 481-800px (for tablets)
  3. 0-480px (for mobile)

While you can do more exact measurements, I chose to do this for simplicity.  The main change between each page in the menu and the registration.  For the largest page, the registration page has small inputs since larger ones aren’t needed for readability.  When you get down to the tablet version, the registration’s input boxes get more spread out and bigger so that the user may click them with their fingers without having to selecting the wrong input text box.  For the mobile version, the site changed a lot.  The site looks totally different.  The navigation bar is no longer a drop down menu, but it is just single buttons that take you to the different pages.  The pages with content only have a home button along with the content in them.  The registration pages have big boxes and larger text to make readability and cilckability much easier.  The maps in the mobile and tablet versions also have extra space on the right side to allow scrolling with your finger so you don’t have to worry about changing the spot on the map.

Click here to check out the website, screenshots are below!

Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 12.27.26 AM

Mobile view of registration

Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 12.27.17 AM

Tablet view of registration

Screen Shot 2013-05-14 at 12.27.08 AM

Desktop browser view of registration

Programming: HTML5 Geolocation

The tutorials were pretty straight forward.  It was really easy to understand what all the different functions did.  I decided to combine a bunch of the coding into one website.  The website with Geolocations also uses responsive design, jQuery, and makes use Google Analytics.  It’s like one giant present of badges.  Personally, I found the video tutorial much easier than the document on tlearn.  I guess I know for sure now that I learn easier through video.

One annoying thing about making Geolocations work is that I needed to upload it to a server every time I wanted to test it.  Made testing take much longer than I hoped it would.  Another problem with testing it on a desktop is that your location is a few miles off.  Probably more for people who live in rural areas.  I made it responsive so the design would look better if you were on a cellular or tablet device.

Registration for computer

Registration for computer

I added some interesting little functions to allow the user to change the location they wish to go to.  Is the registration section, user has the option to enter in their address.  This allows a very accurate distance from the user’s current location to their address.  The registration function supports multiple users, and whenever a user logs in it changed to their address information.  It works for however you want to enter you address, as long as Google maps can find it.

Distance to Mordor!

Distance to Mordor!

I considered trying to add a few more functions that would allow users to use it just like Google maps application, but it ended up being time consuming and frustrating so I held back on that.

For registration, the location “mordor” was entered.  So, apparently Mordor is about 2300 kilometers away.

There are definitely a lot of powerful things you can do with the Google APIs, making web design and development much easier.  I would love to learn how to do a lot more things with them.


Empowered User: Unix Explorer

Installing Linux turned out to be a much more annoying process than I originally anticipated.  While I had minimal experience using a Linux OS, I have never actually installed one.  Originally, I tried to install Arch Linux to my desktop.  Didn’t work out too well.  First of all, it is infinitely complicated to install on a hard drive that already has one OS on it.  If you don’t have much experience with this kind of thing, don’t try it.  I tried and failed.  I eventually used one of my old blank hard drives to install on to.  Installation wasn’t too tough with help from the Arch Linux Wiki.

Installation went pretty smoothly, but I then had issues trying to install software on Arch Linux.  Long story short, I gave up with Arch Linux and installed Ubuntu.  It was easy as cake.

Filezilla example

Filezilla example

Installing software on Ubuntu wasn’t as simple as Windows or Mac.  I eventually installed everything using the terminal, which for those who don’t know, it is a way to input commands and receiver outputs from those commands.  For example, to install filezilla, you enter “sudo aptitude install filezilla.”  Simple as that.  And to open it, if you’re lazy, type in filezilla in the terminal and bam.  Filezilla will open.

Next, I installed some games.  Now let me tell you, there’s a

Funny cat video in browser

Funny cat video in browser

reason why no one besides coders use Linux.  The games are awful.  I installed three games, and didn’t find any of them very fun.  Although this one game I played, called “Frogatto” is literally probably the toughest game I’ve ever played.  It’s kind of like a frog version of Mario, except 10x as difficult.  Not something I enjoyed playing after awhile, since it just got so damned difficult towards the end.

Overall, I would say that Linux should only be used if you plan on doing some sort of hacking or coding.  The unix terminal can be very useful.

Industry Analysis: Forecasting

One up coming technology that has everyone either on the edge of their seats or cringing with fear of their privacy is Google Glass.

Glass is being developed by Google X Lab, a top-secret facility Google has that also has worked on the Google driverless car project.  Glass is an augmented reality, head-mounted display(HMD).  Basically, it is a wearable computer.  The idea is to display information you would normally get from your smartphone without using your hands.  While Google is not the first to attempt augmented reality through head-mounted display, this project has drawn much more attention from the press. [1]  While the developer version became available in February of this year, they are not anticipated to be available for the general public until Q4 of 2013. [2]

Many people are worried about their privacy being infringed upon with Glass.  Already Glass has received backlash in articles from the Atlantic and Wired basically stating that the people who wear them will be mocked.[3]  Las Vegas has already banned Glass inside of Casinos and a bar in Seattle has also banned the technology. [4][5]  People will have to adjust to this new technology, just like people have adjusted to smartphones and tablets.  When smartphones and were first released, not many people had them.  Now, over a billion people in the world own them. [6]  Just like with smartphones and tablets, social norms will require change to make Glass acceptable.  The idea that anyone at any point in time can take a picture or video of someone can be a bit disturbing, especially in densely populated places such as New York City.  While most people’s informational privacy is not so secure any more thanks to the internet and social media sites such as Facebook, people are still able to feel like they have privacy in their actual lives.

Of course the benefits of Glass seem obvious to some technophiles.  The apps that can be used from a visual display are countless.  So many people use Apps on their smartphones that help them with their daily lives.  The same can be done with Glass. One example is an app that identifies packaged foods that are free of allergens that make people sick.  What the future holds for applications for Glass is right now unknown.  But the future can see apps going in many different directions.  For the gamer, apps that are interactive with real life would be almost like a cross between mobile games and a Wii.  If you need to someone in a crowd of people, facial recognition apps could be very useful.

One concern Glass users might have with apps is that they might be costly.  But not to worry, Google has already solved this.  Developers of Glass apps, also know as “Glassware,” will not be able to charge for their software.[7]  One might worry that this might mean their apps will be littered with ads.  Except not.  Google has also prohibited developers from displaying ads.  Google, who gather about 95% of their revenue from ads, released this information last month.  This might have some negative backlashes for their “Glassware” though.  One problem that this might encounter is developers might be less inclined to develop sophisticated apps that are time consuming since there are no financial rewards.  If this were to keep this way in the long term, than Google might not find an influx of developers rushing to create “Glassware.”

Some third part apps for Glass were announced at South by Southwest (SXSW) this year.  Those apps include Evernote, which will be an app for taking notes; Skitch, which is a photo editing app; Path, a social networking app; and the New York Times, which is obviously a news service.

Google not only wants their product to be a way for the user to “wear” the internet, but Google also wishes to keep design in mind. Basically, Google wants their glasses to be stylish.  Google is currently negotiating with Warby Parker, “an e-commerce start-up company that sells trendy eyeglasses,” to assist in the design of more fashionable glasses. [8]  Currently, the frames have no lenses.  Google is experimenting with adding sunglass or prescription lenses for the future.

Some downfalls to glass have been addressed.[9]  1) Estimated battery life of this technology is somewhere around 3-5 hours.  For most smartphone users, battery life is one of the biggest concerns.  And for a technology that is suppose to be worn all day, this will certainly lead to some issues for Glass users.  2) Google Glass has been known to induce headaches.  3) Users can not change any settings on glass.  While this may change in the future before Glass’s release to the public, currently this is a problem.  Users like to adjust things like volume to make the technology more personal.  4) Users still need smartphones with Bluetooth if they are to be used outside.  This will burn a smartphone’s battery and use up data plan.  5) Supposedly it is not easy to respond to messages is tough.  Unless you talk slowly and clearly, there will be many errors in messages.  And you can’t go back and edit it, you have to remake the entire message.  6) Blind in your right eye?  Too bad, you can’t use glass.  Most of these problems will probably be fixed over time, but for now, they will have people questioning purchasing Glass.

Augmented Reality is something we see and read in Science Fiction.  But it is becoming a reality for the general public with Google Glass.  Some worries are worried with Glass having already been jailbroken, having Glass record videos without people even realizing.[10]  The fact that Glass has already been hacked into this early shows serious security flaws.  Given time, there will be more security issues unless Google fixes this.  Google is notorious for great security, so hopefully this translates into Glass.  Glass has the potential to become something that changes our lives, similar to how smartphones have.  Given time, and probably sooner than people think, Glass will evolve into something almost like the HMD Tony Stark uses in his Iron Man suite.



1) Houston, T. (2012, April 12). Google’s Project Glass augmented reality glasses begin testing | The Verge. The Verge. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.theverge.com/2012/4/4/2925237/googles-project-glass-augmented-reality-glasses-begin-testing

2) Miller, C. (2013, February 20). Google Looks to Make Its Computer Glasses Stylish – NYTimes.com. The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/21/technology/google-looks-to-make-its-computer-glasses-stylish.html?_r=0

3)Henn, S. (2013, May 13). Google Fights Glass Backlash Before It Even Hits The Street : All Tech Considered : NPR. NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/13/183468218/google-fights-glass-backlash-before-it-even-hits-the-street

4) Byford, S. (2013, May 7). Caesars Palace confirms ban on Google Glass-wearing gamblers | The Verge. The Verge. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/7/4310424/caesars-palace-bans-google-glass-for-gamblers

5) Dickey, M. (2013, March 11). Seattle Bar Bans Google Glass – Business Insider.Business Insider. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.businessinsider.com/seattle-bar-bans-google-glass-2013-3

6) Dover, S. (2012, October 17). Study: Number of smartphone users tops 1 billion – CBS News. Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News – CBS News. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57534583/study-number-of-smartphone-users-tops-1-billion/

7) McCollagh, D. (2013, April 15). Google: ‘Glassware’ developers prohibited from displaying ads | Google – CNET News.Technology News – CNET News. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://news.cnet.com/8301-10812_3-57579762/google-glassware-developers-prohibited-from-displaying-ads/?part=rss&subj=news&tag=title

8) A look on the upcoming Google Glass apps! – Gadget Media. (2013, May 13).Gadget Media. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://gadgetmedia.org/news/a-look-on-the-upcoming-google-glass-apps

9) Yarrow, J. (2013, May 3). Nobody Really Likes Google Glass – Business Insider.Business Insider. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.businessinsider.com/nobody-really-likes-google-glass-2013-5

10) McDonnell, J. (2013, May 1). Google Glass jailbroken: hacker says security is ineffective « KitGuru. KitGuru. Retrieved May 13, 2013, from http://www.kitguru.net/channel/joseph-mcdonnell/google-glass-jailbroken-hacker-says-security-is-ineffective/

Minisite 3, Conclusion: I spent too much time on the CSS

If there was one thing I enjoyed about this assignment, it was the JavaScript.  I was able to get all the JavaScript working,  the only thing my minisite is lacking is text.  Which is easy to put it, but it is very time consuming.  I found myself spending as much time on the HTML and CSS as I did the Javascript.  I feel each assignment is taking significantly longer than the previous one.  It’s like just because we’ve learned CSS and HTML doesn’t make it any faster to do, and we are still expected that part of our minisites to be quality.

The theme for my minisite was Legos.  You search for legos, you register for legos, and you get lego sets as your shopping options.  I made the LEGOoogle logo myself in photoshop, as I thought it worked well.

I think my downfall in this assignment was that I spent too much time on working stuff that wasn’t needed, but I thought would be interesting to implement.  Since I saw a few other people posting the amount of hours they spent on this assignment, I believe I spent some where from 8-16 hours on this assignment.  Not exactly sure the exact amount, but I spent 4 hours on 4 separate days.  I spent too much time working on design rather than functionality.

link –> transmedia.trinity.edu/~agleason/minisite-3


EDITS: I fixed up the analysis page so that it actually has content now.

I could not get the search page to keep the results on the same page and look pretty, so I decided to keep it how it is and display on a new page.

Registration does not work if all fields are not filled in.